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Importance of Prop 8

Article from Manteca Bulletin-

Everything your kids need to know about marriage they can learn in kindergarten

Dennis Wyatt
Managing Editor

Depending upon your perspective, you may view the battle over Proposition 8 on the Nov. 4 state ballot as a moral issue, a religious issue or a civil rights issue.

But there is one thing for sure. It is definitely a political issue since it is on the election ballot.

Which brings us to a blessed event - or unblessed event if you are for Proposition 8 - that took place at San Francisco City Hall on Friday.

Eighteen kindergarten students took a field trip to City Hall to toss rose petals at their teacher's wedding. Their teacher happened to be lesbian and was marrying her partner. One of the public school kindergarteners was even sporting a "No on Proposition 8" button.

So much for state laws banning kindergarten through 12th grade teachers from promoting political views in a classroom setting.

Actually, Creative Arts Charter School teacher Erin Carder had no idea that her students were coming. The educator playing fast and loose with politics was the school's interim director Liz Jaroslow who was approached with the idea for the field trip by a parent of one of the students.

So how did Jaroslow justify the field trip academically as well as being within the parameters of not pushing a political viewpoint within a classroom setting?

Jaroslow told the San Francisco Chronicle that, "It really is what we call a teachable moment. I think I'm well within the parameters."

That "teachable moment" as Jaroslow defined it was about Proposition 8 being a civil rights issue.

Funny thing about that since the U.S. Supreme Court certainly hasn't made that the case. So it is simply her perspective of what Proposition 8 is about which definitely makes it political because the highest court in this land hasn't decided the score on same-sex marriage. And until the court does, it is a political question left to the states.

Rest assured the San Francisco Unified School Board that is hell-bent on getting rid of its JROTC programs won't do a thing about the incident. Actually, the state should withhold the average daily attendance payment for the 18 kids for that day. It would be a symbolic move at best but at least someone in Sacramento would be on record as being interested in keeping the indoctrination of political views out of the classroom curriculum for kindergarten through 12th graders.

Now an argument could be made that the parents had no problem with it so why should anyone else? Do we really want a school system where parents in the majority can alter the rules because they reflect their views?

Yes, young kids reflect their parents' values hence the No on Proposition 8 button worn by the student. The girl's "mothers", by chance, are wedding each other in two weeks, which means they believe it is a civil rights issue and not a political issue.

Which is exactly where the rub comes.

How come those who favor same sex-marriage can inflict their will on the children of those parents who don't support same-sex marriage?

Friday's incident plays right into the argument of the Yes on 8 campaign. A campaign spokesman called it an, "overt indoctrination of children who are too young to have an understanding of its purpose."

It also underscores the group's argument - which some proponents have dismissed as not being the case - that children will learn about same-sex marriage in school.

The California Education Code allows schools to offer comprehensive sex education. In doing so, though, they must "teach respect for marriage and committed relationships."

Parents, of course, can excuse their child from all or part of the instruction. It should be noted parents of two kids in the class did just that which meant their children were sent to a first grade class during their classmates' 90-minute field trip.

It also should be noted that both the teacher and her new spouse have participated in the campaign against Proposition 8. After their wedding, they traveled around San Francisco in a motorized trolley car with "Just Married" and "Vote No on 8" banners.

It gets better. Jaroslow also told the Chronicle, "As far as I'm concerned, it's not controversial for me" in reference to same sex-marriage. Then she added the caveat that indicated she knew she was more than just pushing the envelope as a pubic schools educator in noting, "It's certainly an issue I would be willing to put my job on the line for."

Jaroslow's remarks don't give you a lot of warm fuzzies knowing that you can't trust educators to tow the line when it comes to keeping politics out of the confines of the classroom.

And it certainly gives the Yes on 8 - the effort to define marriage as being only between a man and a woman - a lot of fodder in the remaining 22 days until the election.

To contact Dennis Wyatt, e-mail

There is one error in this article- the class was first grade. The other side has been claiming all along that the education debate is null and schools will not be forced to teach homosexuality to kids. However, the truth is that schools won't be able to stop individuals like Jaroslow from bringing it into our schools. Gay activists will not be satisfied until it is a part of our daily life and given equal stance with normal marriage.
Everyone will be affected if prop 8 fails. The other side doesn't even get my side. They are guilty of the same intolerance that they are claiming I have. It absolutely scares me that my children and society will be told that this union is totally equal to marriage between man and woman. We do not know yet the implications that this will have on society. Please vote and support YES on 8.


Chatter Mama said…
When my oldest son was in kinder his teacher read him a book called, "My two Mommies." Then they watched a little video about how a boy named Brian had two daddies and how they loved each other just like everyone elses parents did. There was even a picture of them giving each other a small kiss. Apparently the school can teach about homosexuality, but saying the words, "In God we trust" from the flag salute is banned. We home school now!
Chatter Mama said…
PS: Not sure if you know who I am, but I am your older sister, Kashann's, friend (Lisa). I lived just down the road from you out in Pasco. In fact I taught you swimming lessons! It's been fun reading about your wonderful family.

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