I took Ari to the dentist the other day because she had a large brown hole in her molar. I will admit that I have been real lousy about brushing her teeth. She would scream at me and sometimes I was so anxious for her bedtime I skipped over that portion of the routine. So I will take all the blame except for the genetically bad teeth that goes to metal mouth Dave.
So a special trip to the pediatric dentist and we receive the sit down with the account counselor to talk about how to set up a dental mortgage- complete with all the scams and paper work, tears and worries of how will I ever be able to pay this back. She has six cavities and needs a crown where the brown hole is. Because of her age (3.5 yrs) and the number of cavities, they want her to go to a ho$pital and use the services of an ane$thesiologist.
Even better I am trying to figure out what we need to pay to go to get this done. There is nothing so fun as calling a hospital and asking for a number of what you might pay. I am a reasonable person. I know that can't give me an exact number I just want to know if it will be approximately 1000 or 10,000. I figure in order to run a business you would know what your charging for your services. But they give me crap like you won't pay for it anyway because you have insurance, which I have a huge problem with that statement because it has lead to a lot of problems in our current health care system. Eventually if I call enough and push enough they will give me a number and I have to say "was that so hard."
We spend more every year on dental work than we do on healthcare. And we haven't even started into the braces and for the genetic inheritance of that I take all the blame. Warning though there is more wrong with this picture than my teeth but I don't accept all the blame for that. You will notice that I only have 4 top teeth. I had the next two pulled on both sides and it took about 3 years before anything grew back to replace them. Needless to say it took over four years of braces with all the good stuff- head gear, elastics, and a spacer in the top of my mouth.
I called my sister to see if we could set up a dental clinic in our house for my brother in law but he isn't quite done yet with school. I don't think I can hold Ari off either or we will be doing more than one crown and Dave is hoping that the teeth are causing some of her attitude problems and that she will be a perfect angel when we get them fixed. Maybe for that reason it is worth the $2300+ investment.
So a special trip to the pediatric dentist and we receive the sit down with the account counselor to talk about how to set up a dental mortgage- complete with all the scams and paper work, tears and worries of how will I ever be able to pay this back. She has six cavities and needs a crown where the brown hole is. Because of her age (3.5 yrs) and the number of cavities, they want her to go to a ho$pital and use the services of an ane$thesiologist.
Even better I am trying to figure out what we need to pay to go to get this done. There is nothing so fun as calling a hospital and asking for a number of what you might pay. I am a reasonable person. I know that can't give me an exact number I just want to know if it will be approximately 1000 or 10,000. I figure in order to run a business you would know what your charging for your services. But they give me crap like you won't pay for it anyway because you have insurance, which I have a huge problem with that statement because it has lead to a lot of problems in our current health care system. Eventually if I call enough and push enough they will give me a number and I have to say "was that so hard."
We spend more every year on dental work than we do on healthcare. And we haven't even started into the braces and for the genetic inheritance of that I take all the blame. Warning though there is more wrong with this picture than my teeth but I don't accept all the blame for that. You will notice that I only have 4 top teeth. I had the next two pulled on both sides and it took about 3 years before anything grew back to replace them. Needless to say it took over four years of braces with all the good stuff- head gear, elastics, and a spacer in the top of my mouth.
I called my sister to see if we could set up a dental clinic in our house for my brother in law but he isn't quite done yet with school. I don't think I can hold Ari off either or we will be doing more than one crown and Dave is hoping that the teeth are causing some of her attitude problems and that she will be a perfect angel when we get them fixed. Maybe for that reason it is worth the $2300+ investment.
Just skipping the brushing all together for the next year and we will set up practice in your neighborhood and should do just fine for a living.