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Showing posts from October, 2012


For as much time as Lily spent in that thing, I think this is the only picture I reread my last post and thought it made things sound worse than it actually was.  It was a crazy 2 months but I just kept laughing about everything. Seriously, am I not enough of a spectacle getting my 6 kids out of the car and to the school that I need to add a wheelchair and a 5 year old with a cast.  Certainly got more sympathy than ever and people offering to help us. James pre-procedure We had James' appointment for a bronchoscopy 2 weeks ago and everything looks good.  He certainly has the laryngomalacia but everything else looks the way it should.  So now the diagnosis is just time like 1-2 years and he should just grow out of it.  It is great to know that he is doing so well.  He is a very noisy little boy but he is as chubby and pink as ever.  He is also the best baby ever.  He is so patient in the morning as we scramble around the house feeding eve...

When it rains, it pours

So this month has just been incredible.  We made it through the stomach flu, we are getting good at the whole broken leg thing so now it was time for some more fun. This morning I woke up to a puddle on my kitchen floor and what do you know my fridge is dying and it also looks like Lily has strep throat so she stayed home today.  Are you kidding me?  Did I mention that on top of all the craziness in my life my husband is working crazy 6 and 7 day weeks and long hours. Thank goodness for a sense of humor, some money in the bank to cover emergencies, and a Heavenly Father.  I feel like there is some lesson I am supposed to be learning but I guess I haven't learned it yet cause it is still pouring.  I will say that I have felt immensely blessed in my capacity to deal but my home is in chaos and I am not getting to all the things I want to do.  Don't get me wrong, I know that what I am dealing with is nothing compared to what other people have going on in th...