For as much time as Lily spent in that thing, I think this is the only picture I reread my last post and thought it made things sound worse than it actually was. It was a crazy 2 months but I just kept laughing about everything. Seriously, am I not enough of a spectacle getting my 6 kids out of the car and to the school that I need to add a wheelchair and a 5 year old with a cast. Certainly got more sympathy than ever and people offering to help us. James pre-procedure We had James' appointment for a bronchoscopy 2 weeks ago and everything looks good. He certainly has the laryngomalacia but everything else looks the way it should. So now the diagnosis is just time like 1-2 years and he should just grow out of it. It is great to know that he is doing so well. He is a very noisy little boy but he is as chubby and pink as ever. He is also the best baby ever. He is so patient in the morning as we scramble around the house feeding eve...