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Showing posts from February, 2009

Thinking of investing in Dentistry stock...

I took Ari to the dentist the other day because she had a large brown hole in her molar. I will admit that I have been real lousy about brushing her teeth. She would scream at me and sometimes I was so anxious for her bedtime I skipped over that portion of the routine. So I will take all the blame except for the genetically bad teeth that goes to metal mouth Dave. So a special trip to the pediatric dentist and we receive the sit down with the account counselor to talk about how to set up a dental mortgage- complete with all the scams and paper work, tears and worries of how will I ever be able to pay this back. She has six cavities and needs a crown where the brown hole is. Because of her age (3.5 yrs) and the number of cavities, they want her to go to a ho$pital and use the services of an ane$thesiologist. Even better I am trying to figure out what we need to pay to go to get this done. There is nothing so fun as calling a hospital and asking for a number of what you might pay. ...

Back online

Where do you even begin when you have been offline for nearly 3 weeks? - The email, all the blogs I have not been able to read, or the catching up on all the news. After suffering through an internet bankruptcy I am back again and can finally explain about the "kids". We are now the proud owners of three goats. I would post a picture of them with their head stuck in the fence as that seems to be their favorite pastime. Usually it just means that I send the dog out and the get so scared that they manage to pull their head back through. Between them and our 50 lb puppy who likes to jump fences, the animals have kept me very busy and I haven't even begun to mention the four other animals that live in my house!