I took Ari to the dentist the other day because she had a large brown hole in her molar. I will admit that I have been real lousy about brushing her teeth. She would scream at me and sometimes I was so anxious for her bedtime I skipped over that portion of the routine. So I will take all the blame except for the genetically bad teeth that goes to metal mouth Dave. So a special trip to the pediatric dentist and we receive the sit down with the account counselor to talk about how to set up a dental mortgage- complete with all the scams and paper work, tears and worries of how will I ever be able to pay this back. She has six cavities and needs a crown where the brown hole is. Because of her age (3.5 yrs) and the number of cavities, they want her to go to a ho$pital and use the services of an ane$thesiologist. Even better I am trying to figure out what we need to pay to go to get this done. There is nothing so fun as calling a hospital and asking for a number of what you might pay. ...