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Showing posts from August, 2008
Heather tagged me so here goes.... The rules of the game are each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog. 10 Years Ago: I was 17 and just starting my senior year. 5 Things on my to-do list today: 1. Go walk the neighborhood for prop 8. 2. Wash the kids laundry, 3. Saturdays Clean my house, 4. Make poppy-seed bread 5. Make dinner. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: I would buy a very nice house with 20 acres, never shop a walmart again instead go to Target, give a million to prop 8, buy exotic foods to cook new recipes that I read about in fancy cooking magazines, buy new furniture for a change and maybe even a working TV, pay someone to scrapbook for me, and then invest the rest because I like having money in the bank. 3 of my bad habits: 1. Spending way too much...

Yes on Prop 8

Lately I have been rather consumed in the effort of protecting traditional marriage. Four justices have deemed the effort in 2000 to be unconstitutional and so now through the Protect Marriage coalition, I am out walking the streets for prop 8 which is a constitutional amendment that says "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California." Currently same sex couples have been given licenses to marry. I feel the need to become active in the effort of preserving traditional marriage because I am scared for what the future holds if this fails. There has been cases in Canada where homosexuals have been protected by discrimination laws that pastors have been prosecuted for "hate speech" for speaking against a homosexual lifestyle. So if anyone who reads this blog wants to help in this effort there is a website that you can sign up or donate. And then we just pray that the silent majority comes out in full force in Nove...

To Buy or not to Buy...That is the question

When we moved to California 3 years ago, we moved to one of the most overinflated homemarkets in the country. Like any other couple with a good paying job we were anxious to buy a house. Everyone told us that it was a great investment and now was the time to buy. Of course most everyone you talked to had some job tied to the real estate business. But who would blame anyone for trying to make a measly 12K(on a 400K house) for just shoveling large amounts of paper work in your direction. Well about every couple months my husband would start to feel the urge to buy a house and we would go on these house hunting excursions. But the truth of the matter was we couldn't afford anything out there except for the house with a hole in the exterior wall and the one that included a semiautomatic at signing as a welcome to the neighborhood. Being the supportive wife I am I would accompany my husband as we looked at the homes and then come home and talk some sense into him. Needless to ...