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Showing posts from June, 2008

A New Couch or...

At least the first one we paid more than 30 dollars for. So we have been married for almost 8 years and we have had numerous ugly couches for the duration of our marriage. One of our "honest" friends used to describe our fashionable furniture as Early Dumpster though maybe more accurately as Post Dumpster . Here is a review of all the couches we have owned for all those of you who were never privaledged to have known and sat upon them( maybe you are the lucky ones. 1st faux velvet brown velvet couch Which we left in UT when we moved-free 2nd our worst one yet a scratchy off white couch that lasted about 4 months $10 3rd A smokers couch this time the faux velvet thing again but with lots of flowers. (Actually it looked a lot like the couch in the previous post.) We left it in the UMN greenhouse for about 2 weeks as we daily sprayed with fabreeze. Couch Free, Fabreeze$10 4th A very heavy sofabed couch that was white with pink flowers, came with matching chair$30 5th A co...

Full Circle

For Ari's b-day this year, I bought her a matching doll and dress. It was then I remembered a picture in my baby journal of a similar present. I even had the doll cake like Ari. Minus the couch and the really bad photo of a photo, I thought it was fun to compare the pictures. This is one of the most amazing things about being a mom is watching your babies grow up to be big people. It takes a picture like this to remind me that I was probably once a whiney 3 year old myself and I think I turned out okay.

Our Pre-Camping Trip

We have a family reunion coming up in a week for my husbands side of the family. We are going to yosemite for 5 days of blissful camping. We wanted to make sure that we were thinking of everything we would need so we decided to have a pre-camping trip. We went just down the road to a camp/RV park. Luckily everyone slept at night and were suprisingly well behaved. Thank goodness or I would be coming down with Mono or something to avoid repeating a miserable experience. Otherwise it should be a lot of fun. I just wish we could Lily to walk by then. I forgot to include this picture of the snake we saw by our tent. Okay maybe it wasn't by our tent and Dave convinced me it was a water snake so Dave and the boys watched for about 10 minutes. And they felt pretty lucky for finding it. I think I would have been okay if I never saw it. I made sure and zipped up my tent extra tight that night.